Development Blog (04/05/2018)

Hi everyone! How are things going? He have been very busy the last couple weeks (as always). The game development is in its final steps and we will have an alpha version soon ready for the testing. After some studies we have decided to launch the game first for iOS devices and if everything goes well release a couple of months later an Android version. With this we are trying to have as much control of the game as we can, we are a small team and we wouldn't like to get surpassed by the game.

This weeks we have been wornking on the competitive mode of the game, it will have different leagues and players will win points for every combat they win, after the player finishes 10 combats depending on how many points does he have he will be promoted, demoted or he will stay on the same league. The rewards will depend on the results.

We are working on some covers and splash arts for the game. All of the art for the game will follow a cartoon art style similar to the icon and the game art. We have also finished the music system for the game, we think you will love all of the tracks that the game will bring.

The other thing we have been doing this weeks is contacting with different people in order to help us to promote our game, we hope that we will be able to bring some news to you about this topic very soon. If you are interested in knowing more about the game, or being part of the testing process don't hesitate to contact us, it would be very helpful for us!

This is everything for the moment, stay tuned for more news!

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Facebook page: UrbanFightersMB
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